
OceanViz, is an interactive underwater visualization made with the Blender Game Engine. The goal of this visualization was to accurately display the amount of marine life in the ocean, based on the scientific modeling framework Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE). We have coupled Blender and EwE in order to provide real-time visualations of complex ecosystem runs.

OceanViz was made possible through the support of the Lenfest Ocean Program

In its current iteration, OceanViz is implemented as a plug-in for the EwE desktop software, using the embedding capabilities of the Blender player. The application runs in real-time. The recording you see below was captured during a run of Ecosim as a demo

The EwE plugin is a proof of concept, to show the capabilities of integrating OceanViz with other tools, and to show the potentials of expanding the capabilities of Ecopath with Ecosim

Oceanviz uses a branch of Blender. You can get the code in https://github.com/dfelinto/blender/tree/oceanviz